Elevate and cleanse your space with these STUNNING Selenite iceberg towers.
The name 'selenite' is derived from the Moon Goddess (Selene in Greek, Luna in Roman). With the ability to light up the darkest spaces, she also represented constant change. She brought darkness to humans to allow them to sleep, and her illumination and purity brought dreams to them where she could share her divine wisdom.
Selenite is a powerful crystal with a very high frequency holding so many benefits, it should be in every home! It is an excellent space cleanser on it's own, clearing negative energies and unblocking the flow of positive energy. It adds an extra level of peace and purity to your space, elevating your spirit and sense of well-being. It is also known to bring a higher attunement to your intuition and to receive messages from spirit.
If you don't yet have selenite in your home, I cannot recommend it enough! These towers are my absolute favourite, and added on our LED lamp bases they add a magical and mesmerising element to your space 🤍
Note: LED lamp base is sold separately.
Please allow differences in sizing due to the raw nature of this crystal.
Small: Around 10cm high x 4cm wide
Medium: Around 15cm high x 5cm wide
Large: Around 35cm high x 6cm wide